Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Holiday Happenings
It is the first day of Brenna's Christmas vacation! Yeah! I will be honest and tell you that I have been waiting for this day since the first day of school!
My house is a disaster zone...
Cookies need baked...
Presents need wrapped...
PJ's need replaced with clothes...
Homemade presents need to be completed...
The FOURTH fight between the lonely brother and his happy to be home sister needs to be broken up...
And I would not change any of it!
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Enjoy EVERY SINGLE moment!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Random "happenings" at my home this morning...
I am looking out my window watching the beautiful snow fall! Wow! How peaceful and quiet it looks out there!
Still in my PJ's...(seeing as how it's just 9am on a Saturday, I have at least until 2pm before I have to think about getting dressed!)
Fire burning in the wood burner...
Ginger bread dough is awaiting to be rolled, cut, baked and iced!
Christmas lights twinkling all around...
Christmas music playing...
My kids playing nicely together for...20 minutes now!
"Can we go outside NOW mommy!" just broke the "silence!"
Thursday, November 19, 2009
...hearing the rocking chair creak as Abigail rocked and read
...little boy arms reaching, wanting. . .me
...crinkly cornstalks and wind chimes reminding me that the clouds have been blown away
...husbands home for lunch
...nap time
...rearranging furniture
...sweeping under chairs, oh my, I needed to do that
Monday, November 16, 2009
~ Also, today (Sunday) I was thankful for the wonderful individuals that take the time and effort to play and love our children in the nursery's at church so that moms, dads, and grandparents can really spend the time totally focused on worshipping the Lord. During which time I could really get in touch with the amazing gift of His grace on me once again. And how little I deserve, yet He just keeps giving and giving.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
... my daughter's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. B. It eased my mind greatly after meeting with her today. I feel calmer, I feel that my daugher is safer and cared for in her hands, when she is away from me.
...a new friendship that is becoming dear to me and I can see develop into a lasting one!
... Honey Roasted Peanuts from Girl Scouts (not really). I am thankful that someone made them SO delicious! I enjoyed (over the course of two days) practically an entire 8 oz can by myself! I am not thankful for where that enjoyment will show up on my body!
...a belly laugh I got from my son.
...a request to be my daughter's twin for Twin Day tomorrow at school! We have matching shirts and even though I won't be there at school with her, she still wants mommy to be her twin! those moments! friend Jenn, who seems to always know when I need to vent!
Thanksgiving is exactly 2 weeks away!!
I hope that you all enjoyed reading the "Mom Thanks" in the November newsletter. I would like to continue that up until Thanksgiving on our blog!
I truly believe it can be the little things that save our days and our sanity! Those things that may seem so simple that we easily overlook them, don't acknowledge them, may not even realize that the thought, the item, the prayer we shot up quickly, the smile we received, the giggle we heard, the chocolate we ate was our saving grace!
Perhaps if we shared those moments with each other, not only would we become more aware of our daily blessings but maybe we would remember to be more aware of them in our own lives and shoot up a prayer of thanks to the One who gave that moment to us!
If you have one thing that sticks out today that you are thankful for or you have 5, 10, or 15 share them with us! Email them to and they will be posted shortly!
Being moms, what we are thankful for can change on an hourly basis!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Halupki "stuffed cabbage"
2/3 c water 1 lb. ground beef
1/3 cup uncooked white rice 1/4 cup chopped onion
8 cabbage leaves 1 egg, beaten
1 tsp salt 1 can condensed tomato soup
1/4 tsp black pepper
1. In a medium saucepan, bring water to a boil, add rice and stir, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes
2. Bring a large saucepan of water to boil, salted, add cabbage leaves and cook for 2-4 minutes or until softened, drain
3. In a medium mixing bowl, combine beef, 1 cup cooked rice, onion, egg, salt, pepper, along with 2 tblsp tomato soup. Mix thoroughly.
4. divide beef mixture among cabbage leaves, roll and secure with toothpicks.
5. In large skillet over medium heat, place cabbage rolls in and pour remaining tomato soup over top. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for about 40 min., stirring and basting with liquid often.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
It is a gorgeous Saturday!
A Saturday that I would love to be spending outside in my flower garden preparing it for winter. I find myself, however, in a crabby mood stuck in my house making sure a punishment is being followed.
My kids are anything but cooperative on this gorgeous day. Brenna has spent most of her morning in her room upset (and being punished for not obeying!) because she witnessed the throwing away of dead flowers that our beloved neighbor, Ms. Donna, gave to her. The more I tried to explain to my 5 year old why the flowers had to go and that new ones would be growing in their place in the spring - the LOUDER she screamed and refused to listen. Ethan who is in and out of the house, chooses his "in" times to agitate his sister and make her mood, ever so pleasant!!
As I listened to her in her room (she has now been set "free") sending me a message of frustration (and exhaustion from what I feel a week of ALL DAY KINDERGARTEN can easily do to a child - Grrr! don't get me started...that's a whole other topic!) I could not help but think that her screaming and crying would make for a GREAT backdrop/sound effect for a spook house!
I decided to have some brief "mommy time" and get on the blog! I am so glad that I did! As I scrolled down through older posts I came upon one that has really calmed my frustrations, selfishness, and what I have felt as failures today (on more than one level).
I first want to apologize to YOU SARAH, and to the other moms that have written blogs or commented on what was written! It is 100% my loss. Wow. What amazing things I have missed for not taking a few minutes to read this blog!
Wendy G, I know you related to this blog too! I did. I know know that all of us feel this way on more than one occasion! Sarah I hope you don't mind the re-posting!
Unspoken goals have powerful voices.
I cry.
I pray that this burden be lifted, that I be forgiven for being less that everything, that I be made a wife and a mother worthy of these dear ones in my family.
And I read:
Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy comes from God.
2 Corinthians 3:5
And He speaks.
And I rest assured that in spite of my shortcomings, in spite of my weaknesses, in spite of my inadequacy, He will care for my family. For He loves them more than I ever could. He created them just as He created me. He knows that we together are but dust. In His love for all of us--husband, wife, children--He will make me adequate for this call to motherhood.
~This blog was written by Sarah and original posted in April of 2009.
Friday, October 2, 2009
My youngest, Ethan 3, has been experiencing nightmares lately. Not fun.
Last night his crying sent my heart in full panic mode! I rushed to his room to see his arms fully extended waiting for me and I when I got to him he squeezed me so hard and just cried and cried.
“What’s wrong buddy?”
More crying. No answer.
“Ethan why are you crying?”
More crying. No answer.
“Did you have a scary dream?”
Even as his up and down motion of the head confirmed my suspicion, I still do not think he understands what is going on with dreams. So, if he can’t even comprehend (which lets face it, it’s a hard thing for even an adult to understand) it, how can mommy explain it and then fix it?
I dislike nightmares very much. The unconscious mind of children should be a happy place!
I have prayed with him when this happens and that does seem to help. We pray for dreams filled with footballs, puppies playing, racecars, balloons, and pizza!
The one good thing about nightmares in a child is that they are, forgotten by morning. It’s only in adulthood that they stick with you longer! However, I have begun to wonder if those cranky dreams make for a cranky little boy? Hmmmmm? Will I ever know any of these answers?
What is so amazing about the imagination of a child, however, is the pure power of it! Conscious or unconscious, the imagination is a wonderful thing! You cannot tell your child that what they are doing is just “pretend.” When their imagination is working on overtime you better prepare yourself to “step only on the island (carpet) so you won’t sunk” or watch what or who your try to toss in the garbage “NO don’t throw the princess away! (a Kleenex tied with a string!)”
Ethan woke up in the wee hours Thursday morning calling for me. Another nightmare? I didn’t hear fear in his voice. Down the stairs I go and as soon as I reach his room, he begins to tell me all about this really tall and really cool bean stock.
“I think you had a dream buddy!”
He replied very sleepily, “NO it’s real mommy. I will show you.”
“Okay Ethan. Where is it?”
When he didn’t respond I looked down to see that he had fallen back asleep. A few hours later when it was time to ACTUALLY wake up, I had forgotten about the bean stock and I thought he had to.
We were walking out of our front door to take Brenna to school and Ethan stops and looks down our little road. I could not help but notice the very confused look on his face and watched him adjust his head as if to get a better view.
“What do you see Ethan?”
“Mommy!! The bean stock is GONE!” He explains pointing.
“It was right there on the road mommy. It was really big and tall.”
I waited to see what reason he would come up with for the “disappearance” of the bean stock.
“Some one must have moved it.” He concluded.
As I was loading him in the car, I said, “Maybe the bean stock was just your imagination?”
He looked up at me thought for a minute put on his cutest face managed a little giggle and said, “Yeah, it was just my magination mommy.”
As I closed the car door and went to walk around the car, I glanced back to see his face pressed against the glass and his eyes searching!
I just love imagination!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Kiddy pools and bathing suits that make me comfortable
Letting the dog play in the pool after we're done
Irrepressible giggles from a three year old watching her dog play in her pool
A van cleaned while children play
A porch swept before lunch
Dave Ramsey on Hulu while finishing the ironing
Baby smiles and tiny coos
Six hours of sleep
NUMB3RS for company during late evening feedings
You know your a mom when
- You keep catching a whiff of spit-up but can't quite figure out where it is coming from. You suspect it is you.
- You go to the store without changing your shirt while suspecting that you are wearing spit-up.
- You can have two conversations at one time.
- Fingerprints appearing on freshly cleaned windows doesn't surprise you.
- You can recite a variety of books from memory.
- You get a dog so your kitchen floor can be clean.
- You aren't embarrassed when a child starts singing a song about poop in the middle of the store.
- You don't realize the composer is your child because you started tuning out her voice when she started talking to her imaginary family.
- You consider telling her to stop singing about poop, but know you will then have to have a conversation about poop in the store. And since you make it a point not to discuss poop in public, decide that a song about poop isn't the worst thing in the world.
- Nap time is your second favorite time of day following bedtime.
- You know what an "Ebay Day" is and feels like.
- You understand why it is dangerous to get between a mama bear and her cubs.
- Even in the middle of an Ebay Day no one dare hurt one of you little ones for there is nothing better than the "I love you, Mommy," of your child.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Green Smoothies
Anyway one of the things she makes is green smoothies. They sound gross, BUT I tried one today. And it wasn't gross in the least. OK the color is semi-unappealing, but the taste is really rather good.
So what is in a green smoothie you ask. I will share.
- A handful of spinach
- Some fruit fresh or frozen
- Milk to make smooth (it is a smoothie after all) **She uses water instead of milk, but I am a dairy lover.
- Ice if your using fresh fruit (I left the ice out as I was feeling lazy and the children were screaming.)
Seriously, I know drinkable spinach sounds like yuck, but it wasn't at all.
What do you like in your smoothies?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
They taunt me when unmet. They use names like unworthy and inadequate. On occasion they whip out the really powerful adjectives to titles I already claim: bad mother, loser wife.
All too often I agree. I add my own label: failure. I claim that name for myself, worrying that my husband is disappointed and angry and that my children are being scarred beyond recognition. I carry that weight with me day in and day out till I can no longer stand under the burden.
I seek out my husband asking if I am the failure I believe I am. I don't believe his answer.
I ask if he is disappointed in me, angry with my performance. I don't believe his answer.
I question my mothering listing all the times I could have done things differently. I don't believe his answer.
I pray that this burden be lifted, that I be forgiven for being less that everything, that I be made a wife and a mother worthy of these dear ones in my family. And I read:
but our adequacy comes from God.
2 Corinthians 3:5
And I rest assured that in spite of my shortcomings, in spite of my weaknesses, in spite of my inadequacy, He will care for my family. For He loves them more than I ever could. He created them just as He created me. He knows that we together are but dust. In His love for all of us--husband, wife, children--He will make me adequate for this call to motherhood.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Fankful Fridays
A little girl who can dress herself
The outfits said little girl dresses herself in
Sleeping little man
Laundry folded and in baskets
A made bed
Cereal instead of oatmeal
Leftover lasagna for dinner
Bottle sterilizers
Movies that don't scare little girls
No plans to go anywhere today
Rain preventing me from feeling guilty for not planting anything
Today's devotion:
Cease striving
Know that I am God;
I will be exalted in the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.
Living peacefully with the to-do list.
What are you thankful for today?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Doctor's Visits
- Peeing in a plastic cup the size of a shot glass becomes increasingly difficult as your belly grows increasingly larger. I would like a cup with handles.
- Jerry Springer though conversation inspiring is not what the majority of women waiting want to see.
- Drug reps who walk right in after I've been waiting half an hour beyond the time of my appointment frustrate me.
- The group B strep test is birth control.
- So is the hour and a half waiting at the office when the appointment takes all of two minutes and involves a tape measure and doppler machine.
- I've been with a clinic before where I had my choice of four doctors and to physician assistants. They are no more on-time than a one doctor, one physician office where I know who will deliver my baby.
- Making a me wait with no pants on for 30 minutes guarantees you a frustrated woman.
- Asking me about a lost pregnancy every visit because you haven't read the problems drives me crazy.
- I truly like my doctor. I truly dislike being pregnant (though I am thrilled with the outcome and our ability to have a baby.) It is a love hate relationship I have with you.
- The man you choose to bring will embarrass you. Not because he means to, but because he doesn't want to be in the ob/gyn's office and he gets bored with daytime talk. Even I want to throw bits of rotten food at Rachel Ray and the Ladies of the View. (Guess what time my appointments usually are.)
- Your children could fall off the spinning doctor's stool if you let them play on it because every other method of distraction has failed.
- The beautiful women in the pregnancy magazines are professionally dressed, professionally made up, and air-brushed. And no store in Uniontown sells those cute dresses.
- You will gather more information from and give more information to the other women (and their men and children) than you thought possible. Even when your plan is to read something you have been wanting to read for weeks.
- Drinking in order to be sure you are prepared for the required bathroom visit before you leave for the appointment only assures your discomfort as the wait alone is long enough to fill your bladder.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday Night
Then Monday comes and groceries and miscellaneous necessities find their way into the . . . kitchen and by Monday afternoon, I am
- making dinner around a great multitude of stuff waiting to be put away, or
- putting away the stuff and peacefully making dinner (wait that is in my dreams), or
- putting away stuff and near tears asking to go out for dinner.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What's on Your List?
What's on your to-do list today?
- Dishes out of the dishwasher
- Shower
- Library for storytime
- Target for milk
- WAlk the Dog
- Fold laundry
- ANother load in
- Dress Abigail
- Make beds
- Purge Abigail's toys
- Organize Abigail's toys
- Read my Bible
- Take a nap (yes, I'm pregnant and Abigail was in our bed at 4:00 this morning, a nap belongs on the to-do list.)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
How often I have read over this without catching it. May we shout His blessings so the ends of the earth may fear Him.
I'm so blessed:
Dog Obedience Classes
Cuddly Girls
Kicking Babies
More Time than I Need (even when I don't always feel like it)
A Forgiving Family
A Forgiving God
Monday, March 9, 2009
My Current Life
Check out the catch-up list over at A Lettered Legacy today.
Friday, February 27, 2009
In the midst of the craziness what are you thankful for?
Abigail's dear sweet heart caring for those around her
Valentine's gifts that allow children to buy their own toys and plan for others
rain boots and rain coats
working sound stuff in the computer
the promise of a night with my hubby without interruption
Dr. Kevin Leman's Have a New Kid by Friday
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
.."oops" Moment


hello everyone!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Five Minute Tasks
Anyway, I have been thinking about time, probably too much, lately and I was wondering what kinds of things can be accomplished in a 5 minute time period. Or other short period of time often written off as too short to accomplish something.
In the time it takes to make old-fashioned oatmeal. These are ors.
Make my bed and straighten our room
Clear out the dishwasher, all but the silverware
Reload the dishwasher
Get dressed and wash face (I haven't tried the toothbrushing at this time because brushing your teeth before breakfast just defeats the purpose)
In the time it takes to make a cup of tea (waiting for the right amount of water to boil, not the amount necessary for pasta to cook). These are ands.
Put away the adults' underwear (who wants tea when the children are awake?)
Fold the blanket from my nap
Design a fabulous housekeeping series for a blog
Review my memory verses from the Mega Memory Month (I didn't make it. Currently blaming the child developing in my womb for stealing my brain cells.)
Get the mail and toss it in the mail area.
In 10 minutes. These are ors.
Pick up Abigail's room and the living room
Dress myself and do those little personal hygiene tasks to prepare for the day
Wash the dishes that don't make it into the dishwasher and wipe the table and counters
Write a post.
What can you do in a few minutes? And do you?
Honestly, I squander a large amount of my spare minutes. If you visit, you can tell.
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Simple Things
- A quiet house
- Coffee and a donut
- Genuine kindness
- (not the grit your teeth because God wants kindness from His people kind)
- Walking at the mall
- Good naps for mom
- Planned overnight babysitting
- Bin of picked up toys
- Meat thawed for dinner
Thursday, February 12, 2009
No Excuse
For those of you who claimed more than one love language, there is a handy-dandy little quiz right here.
The 30 Second Assessment. Incidentally, there is a quiz there about your apology language here.
The 5 Love Languages Quiz
and just for good measure, in case they are in conflict,
GreaterQuest-5 Love Languages Quiz.
Check it out and I expect reports :).
Monday, February 9, 2009
Revisiting Resolutions
I fumbled throughout January. Trying to find that thing called rhythm without routine and schedule. I fumbled.
Toward the end of the month Rachel Anne at Home Sanctuary had me start thinking about that schedule and perhaps the wisdom of routine.
What about you do you have a housekeeping schedule? Do you keep time with you schedule or just have a general to-do list for the day?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Baked Pork Chops
SUBMITTED BY: Neely Bender
30 Min
1 Hr 30 Min
2 Hrs
6 pork chops
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp seasoning salt
2 egg, beaten
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups Italian-style seasoned bread crumbs
4 tblsps olive oil
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup chicken broth or stock
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Rinse pork chops, pat dry, and season with garlic powder and seasoning salt to taste. Place the beaten eggs in a small bowl. Dredge the pork chops lightly in flour, dip in the egg, and coat liberally with bread crumbs.
Heat the oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Fry the pork chops 5 minutes per side, or until the breading appears well browned. Transfer the chops to a 9x13 inch baking dish, and cover with foil.
Bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour. While baking, combine the cream of mushroom soup, milk and chicken broth in a medium bowl. After the pork chops have baked for an hour, cover them with the soup mixture. Replace foil, and bake for another 30 minutes.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tonight's Meeting
I was so impressed with the bit on leadership and being able to give up the control once the conversation has been had. How difficult will that be? But I need to give it a try with lots of prayer, hunh?
What was the most relevant thing you got out of the evening?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Nifty Net Items
Mega Memory Month hosted by Ann Kroeker is just what it says, a challenge to memorize more than you normally might during the month of January.
At Home Sanctuary, RachelAnne inspires us to do one Simple Thing a day to create a sanctuary in our homes. You can join her Company Girls and earn points for the simple things to receive prizes. Who doesn't love a prize?
Finally there is Bloggy Giveaways, a blog dedicated to giving stuff away to people willing to look at the merchant and to post a comment. Again who doesn't love a giveaway?
If you have any great sites, let me know.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I have so many things I want to do, changes I want to see occur in my life. Is there one defining focus, a unifying point of reference in all the jumble? A name that if given to this year would beautifully package and enable all the questions and heart cries I have during this time of newness.
Do you have resolutions? Do you have a name for the year?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy New Year
I have some ideas about relationship and including and new life and completed tasks and this week I choose to finish things and to find a routine and rhythm to our lives. Like the gift of sunrise and sunset, of breathing in and breathing out, routine holds the promise of newness in each new task.
What about you? Did you make any resolutions? How are you doing six days in?
I've been reading Holy Experience as I think and plan and process.